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Resource List

Adoption Aid and Medical Care Grants

Empowered to Connect is a dynamic network of programs aimed at increasing access to holistic care for individuals, families, and communities. ETC’s attachment-rich, trauma-informed, and healing-centered resources inform best care practices, prioritizing root causes and community support.

Foster Care Advocacy Organization

Resource for Foster, Adoptive, and Biological parents and family members of children involved in the Child Welfare System

Resource for all individuals who already are or who have a desire to be involved with the Foster Care System

Alabama Foster & Adoptive Parent Association


Medicaid’s Well-Child Visit Program is officially known as the Early, Periodic, Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment program. EPSDT is a mandated program that is designed to find children with actual or potential health problems and to screen, diagnose and treat the problems before they become permanent, lifelong disabilities. The program also offers preventive health services to Medicaid-eligible children under 21 years of age, except those who receive pregnancy-related or family planning services only.

American Academy of Pediatrics: Ages and Stages. A reputable resource for information regarding developmental milestones and educational materials related to childrearing.


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A tool for advocates and policymakers to explore how all 50 states are implementing extended foster care with their laws, policies, and procedures.

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By federal law, states have to provide Medicaid coverage for youth who aged out of foster care in their state, until the age of 26

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