Our Drives
Recognizing the enormity of the challenges foster children and foster families face, City Hope is dedicated to making a lasting impact through our campaigns and programs. While our efforts are driven by our love for foster care and those who are committed to these children, we spread a wide net by investing in our community so we can all stand together for our foster families and those in different agency offices.
Learn more about our programs and get involved yourself!
Clothing Closet
From the clothing closet, we are meeting needs when children first enter care and help keep them in nice clothing for as long as they are in care.
Baby Care Closet
We strive to keep diapers (all sizes), pull-ups, overnights, and wipes in stock at all times. Formula is often in great need! We also accept gently used baby gear and items.
Loads of Love
Foster families do a LOT of laundry and are always happy to do so. As simple as this sounds, being able to know that detergent is available when they come to shop for the children, is a blessing! We are always taking detergent donations of any size!
Freezer Meal Ministry
Another great way to be involved is with freezer meals. Several local churches and groups have partnered to provide easy, grab and cook freezer meals for families. If YOUR church or group would like to partner in this ministry, please contact us today!
Help us feed the local foster families!
Other areas where
YOU can be involved
Birthday closet
Parent's Night Out
School Supply Drive
Foster Baby Shower
Thanksgiving Meals
Christmas gifts
Easter Eggstravaganza
Monthly Drives
...Do YOU see a need and an area where you can help?
Please contact us!